Technical and Fundamental Analysis
Regarding approaching the markets, fundamental and technical analysis are two major schools of thought at opposite ends of the spectrum. Investors and traders use both to research and forecast future stock prices. Both, like any investment strategy or philosophy, have...
What Is an Indicator?
Many forex traders look for the ideal time to enter the markets or for a telltale sign that says "buy" or "sell." And, while the hunt can be exciting, the outcome is always the same. The reality is that there...
What Is IB, And How Can I Start With It?
Becoming a Forex IB does not have to cost you millions of dollars in licensing, deposits, and other associated fees. The forex IB program is appropriate for anyone interested in finance and can persuade traders of its benefits. Remember that...
How to Choose the Best Broker?
While there is no sole correct way to begin forex trading, there are common paths that many traders take. Understanding the ins and outs of the forex market is the first step. Typically, traders will use their new knowledge to...
What Is MT5/How To Install Meta Trader5, MT5?
MetaTrader 5 is a popular trading platform for traders worldwide due to its versatility and ease of use. You can use technical indicators and fundamental analysis to trade Forex, indices, stocks, commodities, and other assets. Copy and automatic trading are...
Different Forex Robots Strategies
Giving control over a forex-automated trading system might be successful in trading currencies. Using a robot, you can trade without worrying about your emotions, and you can step away while the system trades. Dedicated programs can perform calculations faster than...